

How can we help you? Click on a topic to find answers to the most frequently asked questions or enter a keyword in the Search field.

  • For a new prescription, your prescriber may either 1) contact us at 844-458-6224 to submit a verbal order or 2) obtain prior authorization from your medical group by submitting the request via provider portal or by faxing it to 714-560-7343. Once we receive approval from the insurance company, we will check benefits and make sure that your medication is filled correctly. We will inform you of your financial responsibility for the service, your estimated out-of-pocket costs, and arrange delivery.
    • You may contact us at any time to check on the status of your order.
    • We will also work with your insurance company to obtain necessary authorizations for your refill requests. 
  • It is our policy to help you remember when it is time to refill your medication. We will call you to set up a delivery when you have about 2-7 days of medication left. If we are not able to contact you after three attempts, we will send you a letter via the United States Postal Service. If you have not heard from us when you have 2 days of medication remaining, please contact us at 844-458-6224.
  • RightRX will make reasonable attempts to contact each patient following a disaster to access needed medications. RightRX will prioritize patients based upon the urgency of the need for service.
  • The following local services may be used if needed: 
    • Local pharmacies near your home 
    • The local hospital(s) near your home 
    • The local Emergency Medical Service office (911 Services)
    • Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)- 800-621-3362
  • Reaching Us 
    • If there is warning of an emergency, we will make every attempt to contact you and provide you with the number of our cellular phone. Cellular phones frequently work even when the regular land phone lines do not.
    • If you have no way to call our cellular phone, you can try to reach us by having someone you know call us from his or her cellular phone. (Cellular phone companies usually set up communication centers during natural disasters. If one is set up in your area, you can ask them to contact us.)
    • If the emergency was unforeseen, we will try to locate you by contacting you or your emergency contact.
    • If you have missed delivery or treatment due to the disaster in your area, please call us at 844-458-6224 to speak with a clinician or tell us where to send your delivery. Do not put yourself at risk by missing your medication or supply during an emergency. RightRX will make every attempt to ensure that your therapy is not interrupted.
  • You may contact us at any time to check on the status of your order.
  • Any prescription that has been prescribed by its trade or brand name may be changed to another drug product with the same active chemical ingredients of the same strength, quantity, and dosage form, and of the same generic drug name as determined by the United States Adopted Names (USAN) and accepted by the federal Food and Drug Administration (FDA), of those drug products having the same active chemical ingredients. RightRX may substitute a generic drug for a prescribed drug unless the prescriber indicates, “Dispense as written.” If questions arise as to therapeutic equivalency (e.g., expected to have the same effect), RightRX will contact or consult the drug company or related resources. RightRX will let you know that your prescription has been substituted.
  • If for any reason you need to transfer your prescription to another pharmacy, call us at 844-458-6224 and provide the name of the medication along with the name and phone number of the pharmacy the prescription is to be transferred to. RightRX will contact the pharmacy where your prescription is to be transferred to and provide the information needed to fill your prescription. We will inform you if the prescription has no remaining refills so that you may contact the prescribing physician.
  • We will help you obtain medications that are not available at our pharmacy. We may transfer your prescription to another pharmacy and provide the information needed to fill your medication.

When a drug is recalled by the FDA, we will take the following steps: 1. Review the records and contact you to arrange for exchange of products if appropriate. RightRX will also contact the physician’s office to inform them about your medication status.

  • DO
    • Place all needles and syringes with needles attached into your "sharps container-the red durable plastic container you received with your initial delivery.
    • Place all dressings that are soaked with blood and/or dripping with blood in the "sharps container".
    • Keep the sharps container closed at all times.
    • Keep the sharps container out of reach of children and pets.
    • Once the sharps container is two thirds full, place it in the "sharps mail back box" and follow instructions. If you do not have a mail back box, please notify our office so that it can be delivered to you as soon as possible and replaced with the other sharps container.
  • DON’T
    • DO NOT put dressings without blood, bandages, gloves, masks or any other supplies that are directly related to your therapy into the sharps container. These must be placed into a plastic bag and disposed of with your regular household trash.
    • DO NOT put your hand into the container. 
  • A side effect is any unexpected, unintended, and undesirable biological response that a patient may have to medicine.  For example, a list of common side effects is listed below.
  • Headache, shaking, dizziness, muscle spasms, confusion
  • Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea
  • Skin rash or flushing
  • High or low blood pressure, irregular heartbeat, high or low heart rate
  • Shortness of breath, difficulty in breathing, or slowed breathing
  • If a side effect is reported to our clinical staff, the pharmacist shall do a complete clinical review with the patient, and develop a plan of action. The plan might include patient counseling on common methods to prevent or manage known side effects,  or contacting physicians to obtain instructions that may involve discontinuing the medication or modifying the dose.
  • We understand you may have a complaint or problem. Please contact the Pharmacist-in-Charge (PIC) at 844-458-6224. The PIC will investigate your issue and get back to you as soon as possible. You can also contact the following offices to voice your concerns:
  • California Board of Pharmacy
    • 2720 Gateway Oaks Dr #100, Sacramento, CA 95833
    • (916) 518-3100
    • On-line complaint: 
  • California Department of Public Health
    • Find your district and contact by phone:
    • on-line complaint: 
  • Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services 
    • 800-633-4227
    • On-line complaint:
  • RightRX Pharmacy/Prospect Medical
    • Compliance and Privacy Officer: Michelle Amador
      • Email:
    • Phone: 714-796-5919
      • You can also contact your health plan to file a complaint. Simply call the number on the back of your insurance card and inform the health plan regarding your complaint.

Please feel free to contact us during regular business hours if:

  • You have any questions about your medication, including how to use or store it and any potential side effects
  • You experience a reaction or side effect from your medication
  • You need to check status of your delivery
  • You need to reschedule your delivery
  • Your insurance changed
  • You have any questions about our services

Contact us

In case of emergency or you need immediate medical assistance, please call 911.

Your insurance plan decides how much your co-payment or co-insurance amount will be. If you cannot afford your medication co-payment, our team will help find any available financial assistance options, including charitable foundations and drug manufacturer programs.

In order to provide the best possible care, RightRX will only fill your specialty medications. Please continue to use your local, retail pharmacy for any non-specialty medications.

Any prescription that has been prescribed by its trade or brand name may be changed to another drug product with the same active chemical ingredients of the same strength, quantity, and dosage form, and of the same generic drug name as determined by the United States Adopted Names (USAN) and accepted by the federal Food and Drug Administration (FDA), of those drug products having the same active chemical ingredients. RightRX may substitute a generic drug for a prescribed drug unless the prescriber does not agree with the substitution. RightRX will inform you when your prescription has been substituted.

Contact Us

Phone: 844-458-6224



Monday - Friday: 8:30 am - 5 pm PDT

On-call for questions after hours and during holidays.